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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - scrape


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Перевод с английского языка scrape на русский

1. скобление, чистка to give one's shoes a scrape —- счистить грязь с подметок to give a carrot a scrape —- почистить морковь 2. царапина a scrape on the shin —- царапина на голени to give one's hand a scrape —- поцарапать руку to get a scrape on one's elbow —- ободрать локоть 3. скрип, скрипение a scrape of a chair —- скрип стула the scrape of chalk on the blackboard —- скрип (царапанье) мела по доске to give the strings a scrape —- пиликать на скрипке 4. разг. затруднение, переделка, неприятность to be in a (in an awkward) scrape —- быть в неприятном положении to get into scrapes —- влипнуть в историю to get (to lead) smb. into a scrape —- навлечь на кого-л. неприятности to get out of a scrape —- выкрутиться из неприятного положения to get smb. out of a scrape —- вызволить кого-л. из беды we are in a nice scrape! —- ну и влипли же мы! 5. разг. ссора, стычка; потасовка 6. расшаркивание a bow and a scrape —- поклон с расшаркиванием; почтительный поклон 7. разг. бритье to give one's chin a scrape —- побриться, поскоблить подбородок Id: a scrape of the pen —- росчерк пера; несколько небрежно написанных слов; подпись Id: bread and scrape —- хлеб с тонким слоем масла 8. скрести, скоблить, чистить (также scrape away, scrape off) to scrape a dish —- очистить блюдо, съесть все до капли to scrape grease from pots and pans —- очищать кастрюли и сковородки от жира to scrape paint from a door —- соскабливать краску с двери to scrape one's chin with a razor —- разг. бриться to scrape away the dirt from smth. —- счищать грязь с чего-л. to scrape away the wax covering —- соскабливать верхний слой воска to scrape together the litter left by picnickers —- убрать (собрать в кучу) мусор, оставшийся после пикника to scrape up dirt from the road —- сгрести грязь с дороги to scrape all the rust off —- отчистить всю ржавчину to scrape off the paint —- соскоблить краску to scrape smth. out —- вычистить, выскоблить (изнутри); выгрести; соскоблить, счистить что-л. to scrape out a greasy saucepan —- вычистить (изнутри) жирную кастрюлю to scrape out a pipe —- выбить (вычистить) трубку to scrape out a jam pot —- "очистить" (съесть всю) банку варенья to scrape out the ashes from a grate —- выгрести золу из камина to scrape out a mark —- подчистить отметку 9. тех. шабрить, пришабривать to scrape the ship's bottom —- очистить дно корабля 10. царапать, обдирать to scrape one's knee against a stone —- оцарапать колено о камень wine that scrapes the throat —- вино, от которого дерет в горле 11. слегка задевать, касаться; подходить вплотную the car scraped against (along) the wall —- машина проехала, слегка задев стену (коснувшись стены) the aeroplane scraped over the housetops —- самолет пролетел над самыми крышами домов the ship scraped (against) a rock as she was entering a harbour —- при входе в гавань корабль чуть не задел скалу the taxi scraped against the curb —- такси притиснулось к тротуару the two cars just managed to scrape by without touching —- машинам еле-еле удалось разъехаться 12. (along, by) перебиваться; еле-еле сводить концы с концами to scrape a living —- с трудом зарабатывать на жизнь they can just scrape along —- они могут кое-как прожить the first year in the new house was the hardest, but they just scraped by on a loan from the bank —- первый год в новом доме был самым трудным, но они перебились, взяв в банке заем she spent three years at college scraping along —- она три года училась в колледже, кое-как сводя концы с концами to scrape along together —- кое-как уживаться друг с другом we shall scrape through somehow —- как-нибудь выкрутимся (перебьемся) 13. пробираться, протискиваться; втискиваться, влезать, пролезать (также перен.) to scrape through a hedge —- продираться сквозь живую изгородь to scrape through the examination —- с трудом (еле-еле) сдать экзамен he got a comfortable pass in zoology, but barely scraped through in botany —- он неплохо сдал зоологию, но чуть не провалился на ботанике 14. скрипеть, поскрипывать to scrape (with) one's feet along the floor —- шаркать ногами по полу to scrape one's nail over a glass —- проводить ногтем по стеклу to scrape a pen over paper —- скрипеть пером по бумаге to scrape a bow across a fiddle —- проводить смычком по скрипке (извлекая режущие слух звуки) 15. пиликать to scrape away at a violin —- вовсю пиликать на скрипке to scrape out a tune from a fiddle —- пропиликать какой-л. мотив на скрипке 16. копить, накапливать (обыкн. scrape together, scrape up) to scrape up the price of a bottle —- набрать (наскрести) на бутылку to scrape and save —- копить по мелочам, откладывать по копейке to scrape and save money for a journey —- накопить с большим трудом деньги на поездку to scrape together a few pounds for a holiday —- скопить (отложить) несколько фунтов на отпуск he scraped together enough to wipe off the debts —- он наскреб достаточно (денег), чтобы разделаться с долгами 17. редк. скряжничать, скаредничать to scrape and screw —- трястись над каждой копейкой 18. копать, выкопать (обыкн. scrape out) to scrape (out) a hole —- выкопать яму 19. редк. выцарапывать (надпись, рисунок) на камне, металле 20. шаркать (ногой) to bow and scrape —- кланяться и расшаркиваться; расшаркиваться, раболепствовать Id: to scrape (up) an acquaintance with smb. —- навязаться кому-л. в знакомые; ухитриться завязать знакомство с кем-л. Id: to scrape home —- с трудом достичь своей цели (добиться своего)
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См. в других словарях

  up  а) наскрести; накопить по мелочам Im not sure if I can scrape up the price of the plane ticket.  б) coll. придумать, выдумать What kind of excuse can you scrape up this time? SCRAPE together  а) сгребать (в одну кучу) Scrape the dead leaves together into a pile.  б) coll. наскрести; накопить по мелочам (деньги) The villagers scraped together enough money to send the boy to hospital.  в) собрать с трудом (группу и т.п.) Many of the players were delayed by the snow storm, but we were able to scrape a team together. SCRAPE through  а) пробираться, протискиваться Our dog used to escape by scraping through the bars of the fence.  б) еле выдержать (экзамен и т.п.) Jane got into the music school by scraping through the examination. SCRAPE  1. noun  1) скобление и пр. [см. scrape  2. ]  2) царапина  3) скрип  4) затруднение, неприятная ситуация; to get into a scrape - попасть в переделку  2. v.  1) скоблить, скрести(сь); to scrape ones chin - бриться; to scrape ones boots - счищать грязь с подошв о железную скобу у входа; to scrape ones plate - выскрести свою тарелку  2) задевать (against, along)  3) шаркать  4) скрипеть; to scrape on a fiddle - пиликать на скрипке  5) скаредничать, скопидомничать  6) с трудом собрать, наскрести (средства и т.п.) (тж. up, together)  7) царапать, обдирать - scrape along - scrape away - scrape by - scrape down - scrape in - scrape off - scrape out - scrape through - scrape together - scrape up to scrape (up) an acquaintance with smb. - навязываться в знакомые к кому-л. to bow and scrape -...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) скоблить 2) скребнуть 3) циклевать 4) шабрить - scrape off ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) скрести; скоблить; чистить; зачищать 2) шабрить, пришабривать 3) соскоб 4) драга (орудие лова) to scrape away — вымалывать (продукты драных систем) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. a move a hard or sharp edge across (a surface), esp. to make something smooth. b apply (a hard or sharp edge) in this way. 2 tr. (foll. by away, off, etc.) remove (a stain, projection, etc.) by scraping. 3 tr. a rub (a surface) harshly against another. b scratch or damage by scraping. 4 tr. make (a hollow) by scraping. 5 a tr. draw or move with a sound of, or resembling, scraping. b intr. emit or produce such a sound. c tr. produce such a sound from. 6 intr. (often foll. by along, by, through, etc.) move or pass along while almost touching close or surrounding features, obstacles, etc. (the car scraped through the narrow lane). 7 tr. just manage to achieve (a living, an examination pass, etc.). 8 intr. (often foll. by by, through) a barely manage. b pass an examination etc. with difficulty. 9 tr. (foll. by together, up) contrive to bring or provide; amass with difficulty. 10 intr. be economical. 11 intr. draw back a foot in making a clumsy bow. 12 tr. clear (a ship's bottom) of barnacles etc. 13 tr. completely clear (a plate) of food. 14 tr. (foll. by back) draw (the hair) tightly back off the forehead. --n. 1 the act or sound of scraping. 2 a scraped place (on the skin etc.). 3 a thinly applied layer of butter etc. on bread. 4 the scraping of a foot in bowing. 5 colloq. an awkward predicament, esp. resulting from an escapade. Phrases and idioms scrape acquaintance with contrive to get to know (a person). scrape the barrel colloq. be reduced to one's last resources. Etymology: ME f. ON skrapa or MDu. schrapen ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; scraping)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse skrapa; akin to Old English scrapian to ~, Latin scrobis ditch, Russian skresti to ~  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to remove from a surface by usually repeated strokes of an edged instrument  b. to make (a surface) smooth or clean with strokes of an edged instrument or an abrasive  2.  a. to grate harshly over or against  b. to damage or injure the surface of by contact with a rough surface  c. to draw roughly or noisily over a surface  3. to collect by or as if by scraping — often used with up or together ~ up the price of a ticket  intransitive verb  1. to move in sliding contact with a rough surface  2. to accumulate money by small economies  3. to draw back the foot along the ground in making a bow  4. to make one's way with difficulty ; barely manage or succeed just ~d through at school working two jobs and barely scraping by  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. the act or process of scraping  b. a sound made by scraping  c. a mark or injury caused by scraping ; abrasion bumps and ~s  2.  a. the nest of a bird consisting of a usually shallow depression in the ground  b. a cleared area on the forest floor made by a male deer during breeding season to attract a doe  3. a bow made with a drawing back of the foot along the ground  4.  a. a distressing encounter a ~ with death  b. altercation, fight ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (scrapes, scraping, scraped) 1. If you scrape something from a surface, you remove it, especially by pulling a sharp object over the surface. She went round the car scraping the frost off the windows... VERB: V n with adv 2. If something scrapes against something else or if someone or something scrapes something else, it rubs against it, making a noise or causing slight damage. The only sound is that of knives and forks scraping against china... The car hurtled past us, scraping the wall and screeching to a halt... There was a scraping sound as she dragged the heels of her shoes along the pavement. VERB: V prep, V n, V-ing 3. If you scrape a part of your body, you accidentally rub it against something hard and rough, and damage it slightly. She stumbled and fell, scraping her palms and knees. = graze VERB: V n 4. to scrape the barrel: see barrel ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to remove something from a surface, using the edge of a knife, stick etc  (Scrape the carrots and slice them thinly. | scrape sth away/off etc)  (I tried to scrape some of the mud off my boots. | We scraped away several layers of old varnish. | scrape sth clean)  (The plates had all been scraped clean.) 2 I always + adv/prep, to rub against a rough surface in a way that causes slight damage or injury, or to make something do this + on/against etc  (The car exhaust was hanging down and scraping the ground.) scrape sth on/against etc  (I scraped my knee painfully on the concrete.) 3 to make an unpleasant noise by rubbing roughly against a surface  (Chairs scraped loudly as they stood up. | scrape (sth) on/down/against etc)  (Her fingernails scraped down the blackboard.) 4 scrape home especially BrE to win a race, election, or competition by a very small amount  (Johnson scraped home just milliseconds ahead of Lewis.) 5 scrape a hole to make a hole or hollow place in the ground by rubbing the surface 6 scrape (the bottom of) the barrel informal to have to use something even though it is not very good because there is nothing better available  (- see also bow and scrape bow1 (4), pinch and scrape pinch1 (5), scrape/scratch a living living2 (1)) scrape by phr v 1 to have just enough money to live  (They just managed to scrape by on Fred's tiny salary.) 2 especially AmE to only just succeed in passing an examination or dealing with a difficult situation scrape in/into phr v to only just succeed in getting a job, place at university, position in government etc  (He just scraped into college. | Labour scraped in by a small majority.) scrape through phr v to only just succeed in passing an examination or dealing with a difficult situation  (Dani just scraped through her exams.) scrape sth together/up phr v to get enough money for a particular purpose, when this is difficult  (She scraped together the last of her savings to buy the cottage.) ~2 n 1 the unpleasant noise made when one surface rubs roughly against...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: BOW AND SCRAPE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1225, probably from O.N. skrapa "to scrape, erase," cognate with O.E. scrapian "to scrape," from P.Gmc. *skrap-. Meaning "embarrassing or awkward predicament" is from 1709. To scrape the bottom of the barrel in figurative sense is from 1942. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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